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Playground, 2023, Boom Festival, Portugal
Dim.: 10mx22m, Mat.: wood, fabrics, metal, led lights
Water Playground, 2019/20, Universo Paralello, Brazil
Mat.: Eucaliptus, bamboo
Playground, 2018, Boom Festival, Portugal
Dim.: 10mx22m, Mat.: Wood, fabrics, nets, metal cubes, led lights
Chillville, 2017, Symbiosis Eclypse Festival, USA
Mat.: Dry pine tree branches and trunks, stones and wheatgrass
Playground, 2014, Boom Festival, Portugal
Dim.: 10mx13m, Mat.: bamboo, wood, fabrics, canes
Water Swing, 2015/16, Universo Paralello, Brazil
Dim.: 8mx6m, Mat.: bamboo, fabrics
Water Tower, 2016, Universo Paralello, Brazil
Dim.: 10mx4m, Mat.: Bamboo, fabric
Floating Island, 2015/16, Universo Paralello, Brazil
Mat.: Paletes, bamboo, palm leaves, metal barels
Floating Bridge, 2006, Boom Festival, Portugal
Dim.: 120m, Mat: burned eucaliptus, metal barrels, pine boards
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